fleXiParse - a flexible XML parser framework for Java

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fleXiParse is based on Java's DOM implementation. By defining handlers that are called for every node matching a given set of XPath expressions one can build an XML parser that is flexible and extensible. This concept is supported by an object tree that is managed by the fleXiParse framework. For each XML element in the parsed document a new node is created in the object tree. Handlers can attach arbitrary objects to the object tree and retrieve objects that have been added by other handlers. This way handlers can exchange information in an extensible and transparent manner. The final object tree is returned by the parser and can be used in order to retrieve the informationen gathered by the various handlers during the parsing process.


There is an autogenerated javadoc API documentation and a reference documentation in HTML format.


Release 1.0.1 (June 26th, 2009):
This is a bugfix release. Under certain circumstances the wrong class loader was used for loading handler classes. This bug was introduced with the 1.0.0 release.

Release 1.0.0 (June 26th, 2009):
This release brings support for OSGi environments. The JAR is now an OSGi bundle and a new OSGiAwareParser, which searches all bundles for configuration files, is supplied.

Release 0.2.2 (June 24th, 2009):
This is a bugfix release. It fixes a a problem that occurred when relative URL were used with XInclude.

Release 0.2.1 (March 7th, 2009):
This is a bugfix release. It fixes a typo in the XML2Object XML Schema and major bug in the XML2Object code, causing an exception when trying to set a property that has a Java native type.

Release 0.2.0 (January 29th, 2009):
This version introduces XML to Object mapping support (see the reference documentation for details).
Incompatible change: The package com.marsching.flexiparse.objectree was renamed to com.marsching.flexiparse.objecttree, so all references to classes or interfaces within this package have to be updated.

Release 0.1.3 (June 24th, 2009):
This is a bugfix release. It fixes a a problem that occurred when relative URL were used with XInclude.

Release 0.1.2 (August 25th, 2008):
Fixes a bug in handler order processing introduced with the 0.1.1 release. Now the classes are compiled with target platform 1.5, so that the JARs work in a Java 1.5 environment.

Release 0.1.1 (August 24th, 2008):
Minor bugfix in handler order processing (bug caused an exception to be thrown when an order constraint concerning a non-present handler was encountered).

Release 0.1.0 (June 5th, 2008):

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