Uses of Package

Packages that use com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.configuration
com.marsching.flexiparse.parser Parsers and handlers. 
com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.configuration Configuration objects for XML to object mapping support. 
com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.parser Parser for XML to object mapping support. 

Classes in com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.configuration used by com.marsching.flexiparse.parser
          Stores the configuration for a mapping of an XML element to a Java type.

Classes in com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.configuration used by com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.configuration
          Common base interface for all mapping configurations.

Classes in com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.configuration used by com.marsching.flexiparse.xml2object.parser
          Stores the configuration for a mapping of an XML element to a Java type.

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